And Abner had communication Better, Now Abner had had communication, previously to the occurrence related in 2 Samuel 3:15. The journey of 2 Samuel 3:16 to escort Michal terminates in the visit to Hebron of 2 Samuel 3:20.

with the elders of Israel The authorities of the northern tribes as distinct from Judah. The elders were consulted as the representatives of the people. Cp. 1 Samuel 8:4, where see note on their various functions.

Ye sought for David, &c. It appears from this that there had been from the first even among the northern tribes a party favourable to David, whose opposition had only been overcome by Abner's strong will and vigorous efforts. This agrees with what we should naturally expect from the account of his popularity during Saul's reign (1 Samuel 18:5).

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