at the time of the end The final close of Antiochus" reign. The expression denotes a period later than that of the persecutions described in Daniel 11:35, which are to last - untilthe time of the end."

the king of the south would still be Ptolemy Philometor.

butt with him or, more exactly, shew himself one that butts, i.e. open a combat with him: the figure, as Daniel 8:4.

and the king of the north, &c. Antiochus will come against him like a whirlwind (for the figure, cf. Habakkuk 3:14), with a vast armament.

and with many ships Antiochus possessed a navy, which in his expeditions against Egypt of b.c. 170 168, he used with good effect (cf. p. 180).

enter into the countries those viz. in his line of march.

overflow, and pass through] like a flood (as Daniel 11:10).

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