in the days of these kings i.e. of the Seleucidae and Ptolemies, as is implied by the part of the image on which the stone falls (Daniel 2:34). The period in the history of these monarchies which is more particularly referred to is the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes (b.c. 175 164), whose fall, according to the representation of the book of Daniel (cf. Daniel 7:25-27; Daniel 11:45 to Daniel 12:3), was to be succeeded immediately by the establishment of the kingdom of God.

shall never be destroyed in contrast to the previous kingdoms, which, from different causes, had all perished. Cf. Daniel 7:14.

and the kingdom, &c. nor shall the sovereignty thereof be left to another people. It will endure for ever; and its power will never be transferred to another people. The expression implies that the Divine kingdom itself is in the hands of a people, viz. Israel.

break in pieces cf. Daniel 2:34.

and it shall stand for ever the itis emphatic.

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