Moses objects that, if they do this, they will arouse the religious susceptibilities of the Egyptians, and be in danger of their lives.

meet i.e. suitable, proper; an archaism, not unfrequent in AV., RV.: see e.g. Genesis 2:18; Matthew 3:8 (AV.: RV. worthy), Exodus 15:26.

the abomination of the Egyptians i.e. animals which the Egyptians deemed it unlawful to sacrifice, and the sacrifice of which would consequently shock them: as the cow (which was sacred to Isis), the bull (which, according to Hdt. ii. 41, was only sacrificed by them when it was -clean," i.e. free from the sacred marks of Apis), sheep at Thebes, and goats (according to Wiedemann, an error for rams) at Mendes: see Hdt. ii. 38, 41, 42, 46; cf. Wilk.-Birch, ii. Exo 460, iii. 108 f., 304 f.; Wiedemann, Herodots Zweites Buch, pp. 180 3, 187 f., 196 f., 218 f.

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