The first Interview with Joseph

6. governor The late, and not very common, word here used in the Hebrew (shâlît) denotes the position of "Grand Vizier 1 [59]

[59] On the "Grand Vizier" of Egypt, see Appendix E, The name of one of the Hyksos kings, Salatis, presents a resemblance to shâlît, which has been remarked upon (Budge, Hist. Eg.iii. 146, note 1).

," "the T'ate," or chief officer of state: see note on Genesis 41:42. It is akin to our word "Sultan," and rendered "ruler" in Ecclesiastes 7:19; Ecclesiastes 10:5.

he it was that sold We need not suppose that Joseph in person always conducted the business transactions; but a group of foreign purchasers would be brought into his presence to be interrogated.

bowed down themselves Cf. Genesis 42:9. Joseph's dreams are fulfilled: see Genesis 37:7; Genesis 37:9-10.

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