will I take thee In such expressions as this (comp. Deuteronomy 4:20; 2 Kings 14:21; 2 Kings 23:30) the word "take" simply introduces the following action. It has not therefore the sense which some have here given it, "I will take thee into my care and protection."

as a signet This promise is referred to by the writer of the Book Ecclesiasticus, in his panegyric of the "famous men" of his nation: "How shall we magnify Zorobabel? even he was as a signet on the right hand," ch. Sir 49:11. Among the Orientals great honour and importance attached to signets or seals. They were often "engraved stones pierced through their length and hung by a string or chain from the arm or neck, or set in rings for the finger" (Song of Solomon 8:6; Jeremiah 22:24). "The custom prevalent among the Babylonians of carrying seals is mentioned by Herodotus i. 195 … and the signet ring is noticed as an ordinary part of a man's equipment in the case of Judah (Genesis 38:18), who probably, like many modern Arabs, wore it suspended by a string (rendered -bracelets" in E. V.) from his neck or arm." Dict. of Bible, Art. Seal.

I have chosen thee "With these words the Messianic promise made to David was transferred to Zerubbabel and his family among David's descendants, and would be fulfilled in his person in just the same way as the promise given to David, that God would make him the highest among the kings of the earth (Psalms 89:27). The fulfilment culminates in Jesus Christ, the son of David, and descendant of Zerubbabel (Matthew 1:12; Luke 3:27), in whom Zerubbabel was made the signetring of Jehovah. Jesus Christ has raised up the kingdom of His father David again, and of His kingdom there will be no end (Luke 1:32-33). Even though it may appear oppressed and deeply humiliated for the time by the power of the kingdoms of the heathen, it will never be crushed and destroyed, but will break in pieces all these kingdoms, and destroy them, and will itself endure for ever (Daniel 2:44; Hebrews 12:28; 1 Corinthians 15:24)." Keil ad loc. Clark's Theological Library.

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