an hireling The word occurs nowhere else in N.T. excepting of the -hired servants" of Zebedee (Mark 1:20). The Good Shepherd was introduced in contrast to the thief. Now we have another contrast to the Good Shepherd given, the hiredshepherd, a mercenary, who tends a flock not his own for his own interests. The application is obvious; viz., to those ministers who care chiefly for the emoluments and advantages of their position, and retire when the position becomes irksome or dangerous.

and not the shepherd Better, and nota shepherd, as in John 10:2.

the wolf Any power opposed to Christ. See on John 10:28.

and scattereth the sheep The best authorities omit -the sheep;" but the words might easily be omitted as apparently awkward and superfluous after the preceding -them." But in any case the meaning is -snatcheth certain sheep and scattereth the flock."

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