which also was the traitor Rather, who also became a traitor. "Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?" Joh 6:70; 1 John 2:17; typified by Ahithophel, Ps. 12:9. If it be asked why our Lord chose him, the answer is nowhere given to us, but we may reverently conjecture that Judas Iscariot, like all human beings, had in him germs of good which mighthave ripened into holiness, if he had resisted his besetting sin, and not flung away the battle of his life. It is clear that John (at least) among the Apostles had early found him out (John 12:5, and that he had received from our Lord more than one solemn warning (Luke 12:15; Luke 18:25, &c.).

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