No man Rather, but no man. The particle δέ (but) is omitted in E. V.; it marks a turn in the argument which is indicated still more clearly in Luke (Luke 5:36), "And (but) He spake also a parable unto them." The words of Jesus here take a wider range. He says in effect to John's disciples: "Your question implies ignorance of my teaching. My doctrine is not merely a reformed Judaism like the teaching of John and Pharisaism, it is a new life to which such questions as these concerning ceremonial fasting are quite alien."

new Literally, uncarded, raw. The old garment is Judaism. Christianity is not to be pieced on to Judaism to fill up its deficiencies. This would make the rent the divisions of Judaism still more serious. The word translated "rent" is used of the "schisms" in the Corinthian Church, 1 Corinthians 1:10, and has so passed into ecclesiastical language; it is the English "schism."

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