The Psalmist and his companions (Psalms 17:11) are beset by proud and pitiless enemies, bent upon their destruction. One among them is conspicuous for the virulence of his hostility (Psalms 17:12). Such an occasion in David's life is described in 1 Samuel 23:25 ff., when "Saul pursued after David in the wilderness of Maon … and David made haste to get away for fear of Saul; for Saul and his men compassed David and his men round about to take them." The thoughts and language of the Psalm find parallels in Davidic Psalms, especially 7 and 11. Many critics however refer this Psalm as well as 16 to a much later period. Ewald places them in the Exile.

The links of connexion between this Psalm and Psalms 16 should be studied. Compare Psalms 17:3 with Psalms 16:7; Psalms 17:5 with Psalms 16:11; Psalms 16:8; Psalms 17:6 with Psalms 16:1 (God= El); Psalms 17:7 with Psalms 16:1; Psalms 16:10 (one who has taken refuge in Jehovah naturally appeals to the Saviour of those that take refuge in Him; Jehovah's beloved one (châsid) naturally pleads for the manifestation of His chesedor lovingkindness); Psalms 17:14 with Psalms 16:5 (the contrast between the portion of the worldly and that of the Psalmist). The ground of appeal in 17 is that integrity of devotion which inspires 16; in both Psalms communion with Jehovah is set forth as the highest joy; Psalms 17:15 re-echoes Psalms 16:9-11. Cp. -I shall be satisfied" (Psalms 17:15) with -satisfying fulness" (Psalms 16:11). But the tone of the two Psalms presents a striking contrast, and points to the difference in the Psalmist's circumstances. In 16 danger is in the background: the Psalm breathes a spirit of calm repose and joyous serenity. In 17 danger is pressing, and help is urgently needed. The faith of calmer days is being put to the proof.

The Psalm may be divided thus:

i. Appeal to Jehovah for justice on the ground of the petitioner's integrity (Psalms 17:1-5).

ii. Prayer for protection on the ground of Jehovah's relation to him, enforced by a description of the virulence of his enemies (Psalms 17:6-12).

iii. Reiterated prayer for Jehovah's help, and contrast between the contentment of these men with their material blessings and his own longing for the closest communion with God (Psalms 17:13-15).

A prayer of Davidis a fitting title for this Psalm. Cp. Psalms 17:1, and Introd. p. xv.

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