Romans 15:1-7. The same subject: the Lord's example in the matter

1. We then, &c. This chapter and the next have been suspected and discussed by some foreign critics, as either (a) out of place written by St Paul, but not originally for Roman Christians; or (b) as being, in whole or part, later additions to the Epistle. It is not too much to say of these theories, (as Meyer says of one of them, in his long prefatory note to this chapter), that "they result from assumptions and combinations which are either purely arbitrary, or lack, in the exposition of details, all solid ground and support." The connexions of thought between cch. 14 and 15, and between passage and passage to the close of the Epistle, are either so obviously or so minutely natural, that the most difficult of all literary theories is that which accounts for them by designing imitation or accidental addition. Such things, seventeen or eighteen centuries ago, not to speak of the present day, were practically sure to betray themselves by manifest and startlingincongruities. See further, Introduction, ii. § 3.

We then that are strong Lit. We then [that are] the able. The word rendered "able" is the same word as that rendered "mighty" in E. V. of e.g. Luke 24:19; Acts 18:24; 1 Corinthians 1:26; and "strong" in E. V. of 2 Corinthians 12:10. It seems to convey the thought of strength and something more;the resources and opportunities of strength. Able thus best represents it. Bp Lightfoot (on Philippians 2:15) suggests that it may have been a favourite title for themselves amongst the persons here contemplated; and so that there is irony in its use here. "Then:" lit. but, or now. The word marks an added fact or argument. The connexion of thought with the close of ch. 14 is manifest.

ought We oweit to Him who has set us free.

to bear Lit. to carry; i.e. as a burthen, a trial, which needs patience. Same word as Revelation 2:2-3.

the weak Lit. the unable; in contrast to "the able" just above. Same word as Acts 14:8, (E. V. "impotent.")

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