For, &c. St Paul here follows out the last previous thought, and especially the last word; the prospect of glorificationwith Christ after suffering with Him. He dilates on its immensity and bliss, and never quite leaves the subject through the rest of the chapter.

I reckon A favourite word with St Paul. There is the finest justness in the use of this word of calculationhere, where the subject so full of rapture stands in profound contrast to all merecalculation. And this force is intensified to the utmost when we think whoit is that speaks thus; what was meant in Paul's case by "the sufferings of this present time."

time The Gr. word is same as Romans 3:26, where see note. The choice of word is most significant: the longest life of trial is but a soon-passing occasion, compared with the eternal Future. See 2 Corinthians 4:17; 1 Peter 1:6.

revealed "When His glory shall be revealed;" "at the revealing of Jesus Christ;" (1Pe 1:7; 1 Peter 4:13; 1 Peter 5:1. See too Colossians 3:3.)

in us Lit., and better, unto us, upon us; q. d., "to be revealed as ours and laid as a crown, or robe, upon us." With this verse on his lips Calvin died, in extreme suffering, and unable to finish the quotation.

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