Judges 6:1-10

The oppression of the Midianites. This is the fourth oppression. The first oppression was under Cushan-Rishathaim and the people of Mesopotamia. The second oppression was that of Eglon, king of Moab, who led the people of Transjordan to suppress the Israelites. The third oppression had been under Jabin, king of Hazor, who led the northern Canaanites against Israel. This kind of listing, of course, omits the Philistines under Shamgar, but this oppression is hardly described, being only mentioned in Judges 3:31. This oppression of the Midianites was brought on from the same causesthe children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord.

Judges 6:11-26

Call and commission of Gideon. The call of Gideon is not as well known as the calls of Moses, Samuel, and Isaiah; but Gideon's call is similar in many respects. He was reluctant when God came to him and gave him the challenge of leading the people of Israel. The call came in a very clear and unusual way, and Gideon finally accepted when he received assurance of God's presence with him.

Judges 6:27-40

Gideon's fleece. Gideon destroyed Baal's altars according to God's instructions. Still he wasn-'t convinced that God would be with him in the great task of delivering Israel from the oppression of the Midianites. He asked God for two signs, both involving the dew of heaven and a fleece of wool. Through these rather unusual instruments, God made known His strength and assured Gideon of His abiding presence.



God gives daily bread. Jesus taught His disciples to pray, Give us this day our daily bread. When men turn their backs on God, they may suffer physically as well as spiritually. Israel sinned, and the Midianites destroyed the increase of the land. Some think it was during this terrible famine that Elimelech and Naomi, with their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, left Israel and went to Moab. Even a strong, young man like Gideon was forced to hide in a wine press in order to thresh enough grain to subsist.


Why? Gideon asked, If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us? (Judges 6:13). We ask why sin continues to run wild. We ask why we suffer in war. We ask why illness strikes us or death comes to break our family circle. Still we believe all things work together for good (Romans 8:28).


God gives us signs. Gideon wanted a sign. God was patient and gave him two signs. The Jews in Jesus-' day asked Him for a sign, and He said an evil and adulterous generation asked for a sign. He further stated that no sign would be given it except the sign of Jonah (Matthew 16:1; Matthew 16:4). Still Jesus is willing for those who faithfully trust Him to have signs. He said that there would be certain signs of His coming again (Matthew 24:3 ff.).



Who were the oppressors mentioned in Judges 6?


What was the name of the judge raised up?


Of what tribe was he a member?


Who was his father?


What did this judge offer on the altar?


By what other name was this judge known?


Who joined the foes of Israel in the second invasion mentioned?


Where was the battle pitched?


What other tribes joined in the battle?


How much water was wrung from the fleece used in the first sign?

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