Peter showed that bad moral behaviour is not worthwhile. Galatians 6:7-8 also says the same thing. People may enjoy *sin at the time, but the results are bad. Many people do evil things when it is dark (1 Thessalonians 5:7). But it is worse when people do evil things in the daytime. The false teachers did not even try to hide their *sin. This shows that they had no conscience.

In his first letter, Peter said that Jesus was like ‘a lamb (young sheep) without any fault or mark’ (1 Peter 1:19). In the *Old Testament, the *Jews could give only a perfect lamb to God. Christians must copy Jesus. In 2 Peter 3:14, Peter said that they should live pure lives. Nobody should be able to blame them for *sin.

The false teachers ate the special meals with the Christians. Jude 1:12 calls these meals ‘love feasts’. The false teachers did not behave as true members of the *church should behave. They enjoyed their wicked pleasures. Therefore, they did not give honour Christ. They ate and drank with Christians at these meals. But the false teachers were greedy. Paul also said that some Christians were selfish. Some of them even drank too much wine at these meetings (1 Corinthians 11:20-21).

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