However, people in the world were wicked. So God *judged the world. He caused the water to flood the earth. Noah, his family and the animals were safe in the big boat (Genesis 6:8). But everyone else who lived in the world died.

Verse 7

The world does not seem to change. And God will *judge wicked people again as he *judged them in the time of Noah. In those days, he sent a flood of water. In the future God will send fire. Peter was probably remembering some of the *Old Testament *prophecies. They describe God’s judgement as a fire. One of these *prophecies described ‘signs in the heavens and on the earth. There will be blood and fire and clouds of smoke’ Joel (2:30-31). God is keeping the sky and the earth safe until the day of his judgement. Then he will destroy wicked people. Peter therefore emphasised that things can change. God is in control of history. He will do what he has decided to do. He punished the wicked people in the past. He will punish wicked people in the future.

God is patient

v8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends. To the *Lord, one day is like 1000 years. And 1000 years are like one day. v9 God will do what he has promised to do. God is not slow to carry out his promises. However, some people think that he is slow. Instead, God is patient. He wants all people to give up their evil ways. God does not want to destroy anyone. v10 But Jesus will certainly return one day. That day will come suddenly, like a thief that nobody expects. There will be a loud roar. The sky and everything in the sky will disappear. A fierce fire will destroy everything. It will burn the earth and everything that is in it.

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