Paul did not write in a very warm way in this letter. He wrote to teach the Christians correctly rather than to praise them. But in the next few verses, Paul wrote about things that were more personal. Paul and the Christians in Galatia were all part of God’s family. Paul was a *Jew. When he became a Christian, he often lived with *Gentiles. He did not live like someone whom the law controls. He was free. So he strongly urged the Christians to copy his freedom.

The last sentence links with the next verses. It refers to Paul’s first visit to Galatia.

Verse 13-14

We do not know what weakness or illness Paul had. And we do not know why it caused difficulty for the people in Galatia. But this is not important. However, his illness was the reason why he went there. If he had been healthy, he may not have gone to that area. His illness could have offended the people. They could have thought that he was a nuisance. They could have sent him away. Instead, the people welcomed Paul. God’s *angels bring messages from God. The people in Galatia received Paul’s message about Jesus Christ. They respected Paul and they gave him honour.

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