They had many things to say. They had not met as brothers for 22 years. During that time, they had all changed in character. Probably they talked about what the brothers had done to Joseph. (See Genesis 37:24.) That was easier to do because of what Joseph said. He said, ‘Do not be angry with yourselves. God sent me here before you.’ (See verse 5.)

The brothers go to fetch their father

v16 *Pharaoh and his servants heard that Joseph’s brothers had come. They were very pleased. v17 And *Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘Say to your brothers, “Do this! Load your animals and go back to your country, *Canaan. v18 Bring your father and all your people to me. I will give you the best things in Egypt. And you shall eat the best food in the country.” v19 *Command your brothers also, “Do this! Take wagons from Egypt so that your children and your wives may ride. And come and bring your father. v20 Do not worry about your goods. The best things in all Egypt are yours.” ’

v21 Israel’s sons did so. And Joseph gave to them wagons, as *Pharaoh *commanded. And he gave to them food for the journey. v22 He gave new clothes to each of them. But to Benjamin he gave 300 pieces of silver. And he gave to him 5 sets of clothes. v23 Moreover he sent to his father 10 *donkeys, which carried products of Egypt. And he sent 10 female *donkeys, which carried grain, bread and other food. These things were for his father on the journey. v24 Then Joseph sent his brothers away. And as they left, he spoke to them. He said, ‘Do not quarrel during the journey.’

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