‘High places’ and ‘valleys’ describes all places everywhere. It may mean strong, important institutions. People in other nations met together on the high places. They prayed to their gods there. God had ordered King Hezekiah to destroy such places (2 Kings 18:1-6). People feel safe as long as God stays in heaven. But he will come to the Earth. He will come to give judgement. He will come to punish *sin. Nations and institutions will melt when they meet God’s fire. They will realise that they must meet the holy God.

v5 This will happen because of Jacob’s *sin (the *sin by Jacob’s family). It is because *Israel’s (Jacob’s) family did wrong things. Those in Samaria have caused *Israel’s people to *sin. Look at Jerusalem. Look at all the images there that represent sex and religion. These have caused Judah to *sin.

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