The ‘good news’ is the message that God gives *eternal life by means of Jesus (1 John 5:11-12). Jesus can forgive people’s *sin and forgive their wicked deeds. Then they can receive *eternal life. Paul said that ‘God, who saves us’ had told him to declare the good news. In verse 4, Paul referred to ‘Jesus Christ who saves us’. God the Father loves people so much that he sent Jesus to this world (1 John 4:10). Jesus obeyed his Father. So, both God the Father and God the Son save people. They rescue people from their evil ways.

Jesus came ‘at the right time’. God’s always chooses the right time when he acts. God had given messages to the *prophets in the *Old Testament. They had prepared people. The *prophets had told people that God would send a *Messiah (Jesus). So the *Jews were expecting him to come.

There were also practical reasons why it was the right time. The *Romans ruled most of the countries in that area of the world. The good news about Jesus could spread quickly because:

1 The *Romans had built good roads, so it was easy to travel.

2 The *Romans had stopped wars. There was peace in the countries that the *Romans ruled. Therefore, people could travel safely.

3 Most people understood the *Greek language. So, it was easy for Christians to teach the good news everywhere.

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