‘These things’ refer to what Paul taught in verses 4-7. The false teachers said that they knew God. But their actions showed that they did not really know him. They did not behave in a way that pleased God (1:16). All Christians should understand what God has done for them. God loves them and he has been very kind to them. When Christians really know God, then they will behave in the right way. They will always try to please God. They will have to avoid the things that are wrong. That requires effort. They will have to think about what they do. As a result, their actions will benefit other people. They will help even the people who are not Christians. This is how Christians can affect their society.

v9 Avoid foolish discussions. Avoid long lists about the history of people’s families. Avoid arguments. Avoid quarrels about the law. These things are worth nothing. They do not help anyone. v10 If someone keeps causing arguments, warn him once. Then warn him a second time. After that, avoid him. v11 You know that a man like that is evil and *sinful. His own *sin shows that he is guilty.

Behaviour that is not useful

Verse 9

We can contrast this with what Paul wrote in verse 8. The *Jews had stupid arguments and disagreements about what the *Jewish laws meant. The *Jews made up many extra laws too. They made up false histories about people in the *Old Testament (see the notes on 1:14). They became angry about things were no use at all. Christians and *Jews believe the ‘*Old Testament’. But the *Jews had many discussions that helped no one. So Christians had to avoid those discussions.

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