MALACHI—NOTE ON Malachi 2:16 This verse is one of the most difficult OT passages to translate. The esv footnote includes the other most common translation. Despite the translation difficulty, this passage states clearly that the biblical standard for marriage comes from Genesis 2:23, which teaches that marriage is a covenant. Malachi refers to creation (Malachi 2:10), and calls marriage a covenant (v. Malachi 2:14). He refers to the oneness described in Genesis 2:24 (“union,” Malachi 2:15), and reminds his readers of the purpose of marriage (“godly offspring,” v. Malachi 2:15). The Israelite man who unjustly divorces his wife commits a serious offense. He violates the creation order and breaks his covenantal relationship with his wife. These acts damage his character (covers his garment with violence). But divorce affects more than just the husband and wife; it affects the whole community’s social and spiritual health (vv. Malachi 2:13). (See also the notes on Matthew 5:31; Matthew 19:3; Mark 10:10; 1 Corinthians 7:15.)

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