Men Who Witnessed the Resurrection

Other witnesses, besides scripture, testified to the fact that Jesus was raised. The two disciples who talked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus knew Peter had seen Jesus (Luke 24:34). The eleven, when Thomas was not present, saw Jesus when they assembled behind closed doors on the first day of the week. Eight days later, when Thomas was with them, they saw Jesus again (John 20:26-29).

On one occasion after the resurrection, more than five hundred saw Jesus. Though some of those had died by the time of this writing, many were alive and could have testified to what they had seen. It is not certain when this appearance took place as there does not seem to be any other record of the occurrence. Nor do we know when Jesus appeared to James, who likely was the Lord's brother (Galatians 1:19). The last appearance to all the apostles was on the day the Lord ascended (Acts 1:4-11; Luke 24:44-51). This is likely the one Paul mentioned (1 Corinthians 15:5-7).

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