More Than Conquerors

We are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Romans 8:37.

You boys and girls have heard a great deal about battles. You have been told stories of battles lost, and of battles gained.

When World War I first began the word “conqueror” was in everybody's mouth. Later, however, things changed. That was because we and our Allies had learned a lesson.

After the war between France and Germany in 1870 the French Empress Eugenie said a very wise thing, wiser perhaps than one would have then given her credit for. The Germans had conquered the French and were insisting on the surrender of territory by the French. “I think,” she said, “they (the Germans) must feel they have undertaken a difficult task. But conquerors never stop.”

The boys here know about school fights. A certain boy has an argument with a schoolfellow; he fights over it and wins. He has got a taste of victory, it is exhilarating, the feeling of the conqueror is in his blood; but he is not satisfied, he wants to fight again. The “top-dog” boy, however, is not always a hero; the boy who will not lift his hand to strike may be braver in every sense of the word.

It was said of John Bright, the great statesman, that “if he had not been a Quaker, he would have been a prize-fighter.” Quakers did not believe in fighting, but John Bright was one of the bravest of men, and the day is coming when I believe there will be a code of honor which will make fighting a disgrace, not only at school but throughout the whole world.

Paul used the expression “more than conquerors” in a letter to the Roman Christians. If any people knew about battles the Romans did. Fighting was second nature with them. Therefore it must have been hard for them to understand what the apostle meant when he used the expression “more than conquerors.” They only knew a fight that went on to a finish.

The lessons Jesus Christ had taught men and women were new to the Romans. They were new even to many of our own soldiers in the recent war. On the way to the Dardanelles an army chaplain one evening invited the men on board ship to a meeting in their own dining-room. An officer, a friend of the chaplain, offered the men a bargain. He would give them twenty minutes in which he would tell them of the fighting in which he had taken part, if they would listen for twenty minutes to the chaplain preaching the gospel! The arrangement was accepted and carried out. The officer gave a thrilling account of the operations that led to his wounding and temporary retirement from the field. Especially interesting was his description of the arts and dodges of the snipers. Such exciting fare might have indisposed the lads to tolerate a sermon. It seemed to have the opposite effect. Perhaps it helped them to realize more clearly what lay before them. They turned with unabated interest to hear how men may be made “more than conquerors.” Then they stayed to ask questions, and seek guidance.

Paul was not writing about such fighting as the men had at the Dardanelles. It was about the battle every boy and girl here must take part in, the battle within themselves. There is something evil in the nature of every one which must be fought and conquered more than conquered, Paul said, before we can go straight on along the path of this life to the better one that is to follow.

In your fight, boys and girls, you must be like a man who masters a very fine horse. He has such a mastery over the animal that he does not need to look at it, he can look away beyond to the road over which he has to go. He is more than conqueror over the animal he drives.

“More than conquerors through him that loved us.” That is how you should start life.

First, because not one of you wants to go in for a losing game.

Second, because it makes the happiest life.

Third, because you will have a Friend to help you to earn the right to be happy. With Him beside you your religion will become so natural to you that you will be as unconscious of it as a strong man is of his good health.

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