For we are labourers together with God. S. Dionysius (Cælest. Hierarch. c. 3) says, " A great, an angelic, nay, a Divine dignity is it to become a fellow-worker with God in the conversion of souls, and to show openly to all the Divine power working in us."

Ye are God's husbandry. Not Paul's or Apollos': so you cannot boast yourselves in them. S. Paul continues the illustration drawn from agriculture. The chief tiller is God; Paul and Apollos are his servants; the Corinthians are the field; the seed is grace, the fruits good works. God by His Spirit cultivates within: Paul assists Him by his preaching from without. So Anselm.

Ye are God's building. He inculcates the same truth by another illustration from building and architecture. The first architect is God; the secondary minister is Paul; the building is the Church and every Christian soul. So Anselm.

We should observe that the Hebrews and Syrians rejoice in metaphors and parables, and run them together, easily passing from one to another.

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Old Testament