When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

1. This is an example of "re-baptism." Baptism, valid, scriptural baptism, is a one time event. It was not an act to be repeated over and over again.

2. However, when any of the three essentials for a valid, scriptural baptism are missing, then - one has not been baptized.

3. The person may have done something that they called baptism.

4. Paul is not concerned about what someone might "call" baptism. Paul is concerned if their action met the essentials for it to be a valid, scriptural baptism as God has commanded.

5. The following outline sets out the three essentials for a valid baptism.

Must I be baptized again?

I often am asked this question. It comes in many forms. I have been asked, "I was baptized as an infant in _____ church. Must I be baptized again?" Or I have has people ask, "I was baptized at age 25 into _____ church. Must I be baptized again?" There are three important questions that you must answer about your previous baptism.

1. What was done? (Mode - immersion)

1. In the New Testament - Baptism - is immersion.

2. It is a burial in water - Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12

3. If your previous baptism was sprinkling or pouring - then it was not the baptism commanded in the Bible.

2. When was it done? (Subject - repentant believer)

1. By this question I am asking were you an infant, a young child, a teenager, or an adult?

2. In the New Testament - baptism is for those who:

1. Believe - Acts 8:37

2. Repent of their sins - Acts 2:38

3. Confess their faith in Jesus - Romans 10:9-10

3. These requirements mean that the person ready to be baptized must be mature enough to:

1. Know that they are lost, a sinner.

2. Reach a point of faith that Jesus died for our sins.

3. Make a decision to follow Christ.

4. To express what they believe about Jesus orally in front of others.

4. If your previous baptism was done BEFORE you were able to have faith and confess that faith with your mouth - your baptism was not what the Bible commands.

3. Why were you baptized? (Purpose - forgiveness of sins)

1. The purpose of baptism is also important.

2. Here are some passages that teach the purpose of baptism:

1. Acts 2:38 - for remission of sins

2. Acts 22:16 - wash away sins

3. 1 Peter 3:21 - to be saved

4. Romans 6:4 - to walk in a new life

5. Acts 10:48 - commanded

6. Mark 16:16 - to be saved

3. In many denominations baptism is for the purpose of:

1. Joining the church.

2. Showing that you are already saved.

3. An outward symbol what has already taken place in the heart.

4. If the purpose of your baptism was anything other than seeking salvation (forgiveness of sins) then your baptism was not the what the Bible teaches as the correct purpose.

Conclusion : If your baptism was not what the New Testament commands - You need to be baptized. You need to buried in water, based on your confession of faith, for the purpose of forgiveness of sins.

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Old Testament