The Preeminence of the Song of Solomon - 1:15-20

15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

Christ is the visible expression of what is invisible to us.

TEV "the visible likeness of the invisible God" Vincent "The essence of a person, not the outward form, shape. He existed as essentially one with God." (1 Peter 2:6)

The firstborn has reference to the one who has special rights of inheritance. This is not always to the one who was first to be born. Isaac was not Abraham's first born, but he was the one who had special rights of inheritance. The same is true with Jacob over his twin, and firstborn brother, Esau.

God said, "Israel is my son, even my firstborn." Exodus 4:22

15 - Christ is the visible expression of the invisible God. He is the firstborn son with all the rights of inheritance and blessing.

16For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.

Christ was involved in every part of the creation of the world. (Genesis 1:26-27; John 1:1-4)

Christ all things in heaven. Christ is before and helped create the angels. Angels are created spirit beings. Angels are under Jesus. Why would anyone worship angels? You can worship the creator of angels and the one who is in authority over them.

Creation includes the visible and the invisible. Jesus created all material things and all non-material things. He created man (material) and life (non-material).

Christ also created thrones, dominions, principalities and powers. It is difficult for us to distinguish all of these words. The message is that Christ is LORD OF ALL.

For every noun (person, place or thing) Christ is the creator of it. All were created for a purpose. See Revelation 4:11. Our purpose is to seek to please our creator. We were not created to rule, but to serve. "Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." 1 Chronicles 16:29

16 - By Christ all things were created. This includes all beings in heaven and on earth, all things material or non-material. All things with power, authority, or ability to rule were created by Him and with purpose of serving under Him.

17And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.

Jesus pre-existed all things. He is also before them in power and authority.

This verse asserts Jesus' eternal existence. Study John 1:1-4.

In Christ all things consist. TEV "in union with him all things have their proper place" SEB "everything holds together in Christ"

Christ created all things. He also hold and maintains the order of this universe. It is the power of Christ which holds this world together.

17 - Christ has eternally existed. He holds everything together with his power.

18And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.

Since He is head over all creation, He is the head. The head is the source of thought, ideas, and has power over the body. It is the central control of all actions and movements.

The church is the body. Christ is the head. (See verse 24; Ephesians 1:22-23)

Bodies to not think. They only follow the directions given by the head. The church is a "thoughtless" body. When members of the church start thinking for themselves, they have rebelled against their head, Christ. May we follow the commands and directions which Jesus Christ our Lord has given to his body, the church.

Christ is the beginning. In his relationship to the church, He is the beginning. He is the builder. (Matthew 16:18) He is the purchaser. (Acts 20:28) He is the head. (Ephesians 1:22-23) He is the savior. (Ephesians 5:25) He loved it and gave himself for it. (Ephesians 5:25) It is, in fact, the "church of Christ." (Romans 16:16)

Phillips - "Life from nothing began through him, and life from the dead began through him." Jesus was not the first to be raised from the dead, temporarily. Their dead was just postponed. Jesus' death was canceled! Lazarus (John 11:1-57) was raised but still was liable to death. Jesus was the first raised incorruptible, never to taste death again. (1 Corinthians 15:50-53) Christ has been raised from the dead and became the "first fruits of that that slept." (1 Corinthians 15:20)

He has the preeminence. SEB "first in everything" Thayer "To be first, to hold first place." Vincent "Tobe first only." Christ must be supreme in all respects. He is Lord of the church. He is to be the Lord of our lives. He must be LORD - period. He can have no rival.

18 - Christ is the supreme authority over his church. He is the ruler over his body. The church has it origin in Christ. He is the first to be raised not subject to death. In every sense Jesus is our supreme authority.

19For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell,

God is in control. This is my Father's world. He knows what is best. We are to do His will.

Paul is an apostle "by the will of God." (1:1)

All fullness dwells in Christ. TEV "the Son has in himself the full nature of God." In Christ is everything of everything. He is all in all. See Colossians 2:9. Even when he was in the flesh with his humanity evident, he was also fully divine. He was not 50% human and 50% divine. Rather, He was 100% human and 100% divine. In becoming flesh and living on earth, he did not abandon any aspect of his divine nature.

19 - It is God's will and pleasure that Christ be complete in his divinity and in his humanity.

20and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.

The peace that passes understanding is already available. Phillips "by virtue of the sacrifice of the cross."

Today, some are trying to remove the blood from Christianity. It can not be done. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. (Hebrews 9:22)

The New Testament is filled with references to the blood of Jesus.

Vincent on reconcile "restore to primal unity." The word translated reconcile mean to transfer from one state to another which is quite different. Vine "change from one condition to another, so as to remove all enmity and leave no impediment to unity and peace." SEB "to bring everything back to him"

This reconciliation includes man (on earth) and angels (in heaven).

20 - Christ has made peace available through the blood shed on the cross. He brought everything back to him, both earthly and heavenly.

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Old Testament