Or know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men,

'Or know ye not' -'Again, Paul employs the "or do you not know" phrase--a phrase which rebukes the arrogance of the Corinthians in the same way as Jesus' phrase "have ye not read..." rebuked the scribes and Pharisees of His day.' (Willis p. 187)

'the unrighteous' -the implication is that this warning applies to those involved in such lawsuits, as well as the other sins listed. 'The acts in which they were engaged in were serious enough to keep them out of--heaven. (Notice that the saint can fall from grace!)' (Willis p. 187)

'the kingdom of God' -i.e. the future heavenly kingdom, heaven itself. (2 Peter 1:11)

'Be not deceived' -'Stop being misled' (Wms); 'Make no mistake' (Wey) This exhortation is repeated-1 Corinthians 15:33; Galatians 6:7; Ephesians 5:6. An exhortation needed just as much today, when religious bodies are claiming that many of these sins are acceptable.

'Paul writes because regarding this very point people constantly deceive themselves..thousands who are living today are "unrighteous", and yet expect to reach heaven at last.' [Note:. Lenski p. 247]

'Then he gives. sample list of the kinds of unrighteousness which he has in mind.' (McGuiggan p. 72) (Galatians 5:21. and things like these.)

Point to Note:

The following are "unrighteous" behaviors. They can never be made right! They can't be legitimized. And these sins, will be considered "sins" at the judgement, for unrepented of participation in them will exclude one from heaven, which means, those who practice such things and don't repent will end up in hell.

We have already considered some of these sins in Chapter 5. Hence, we will just examine those which weren't mentioned there.

'adulterers' -'means precisely that (married persons having sexual relations--of any kind--outside marriage)'. (Fee p. 243) It also includes. single person who marries someone who has been unscripturally divorced. (Matthew 5:32) And also is used of. man or woman who unscripturally divorces and remarries. (Matthew 19:9; Mark 10:12)

'effeminate' -3120. malakos mal-ak-os'; of uncertain affinity; soft, i.e. fine (clothing); figuratively,. catamite: -effeminate, soft.

'Has the basic meaning of "soft"; but it also became. pejorative epithet for men who were "soft" or "effeminate", most likely referring to the younger, "passive" partner in. pederastic relationship. In many instances young men sold themselves as "mistresses" for the sexual pleasure of men older than themselves.' [Note:. Fee pp. 243-244]

Words that need defined: "Catamite"-a boy used in pederasty. "Pederasty"-sodomy among males, esp., as practiced by. man with. boy.

And if such was wrong, and called "unrighteous" in Corinth, then it is just as wrong in downtown Portland Oregon, and if not repented of, it will send you to hell, regardless of what the Oregonian says to the contrary! 'BE NOT DECEIVED!'

'nor abusers of themselves with men' -'homosexuals' (NASV). The word is. compound of "male" and "intercourse". (Fee p. 244) The previous words fornicators and adulterers would apply to "a male who has intercourse", this must specifically refer to males who have intercourse with other males.

Points to Note:

In recent years many have tried to soften these verses and claim that Paul was only condemning. certain kind of "homosexuality". Some would say. "lustful kind" or "harmful kind". And yet if this is true, then the same argument must be used for all the other sins mentioned here. Is there. "non-lustful" kind of fornication? Adultery? Is there. non-harmful kind of idolatry? Theft? Greed? Extortion? Can. engage in all of these behaviors just as long as my heart is right? If homosexual relations are "right" in. committed and monogamous relationship, then can. have an affair (have adulterous relations), as long as. am committed to the woman. am having an affair with? We need to remember than any argument offered in the attempt to "justify" homosexuality, must be applied to all the other sins mentioned in this list and every other list in the Bible.

We should also note, that more than more "kind" of homosexuality is condemned in the Bible. Male prostitution is condemned ("effeminate"), but so are lesbian relationships (Romans 1:26); and so are "CONSENTING HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS"- Romans 1:27 "men with men".

In view of this list, it is interesting to watch the hypocrisy of the world. Homosexuality and fornication (living together) are defended as 'rights'. Pornography and most forms of obscenity are defended, even some forms are supported by tax dollars (NEA FUNDING). And yet, "sexual harassment" is. big taboo.

And recently. read. very interesting report: "The gay community has long allowed other sexual outcasts to ride its coattails, from transvestites and transsexuals to bisexuals and leather fetishists. But it is now trying to distance itself from pedophiles. 'Last month,. New York group called Stonewall 25 voted to bar the controversial North American Man-Boy Lover Association from its international march on the United Nations June 26.' Has the homosexual community all of. sudden discovered an absolute standard of morality that condemns man-boy sexual contact? If so, will they please tell us what that absolute standard is so that we can all examine it? Or, has it become politically expedient to divorce themselves from pedophiles so that they can promote their own political agenda more successfully?" [Note:. GOT April 7, 1994 pp. 26-27]

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