“Let. woman quietly receive instruction”: From the context we are still dealing with public worship. “From. consideration of the woman's adornment for attendance at public worship, Paul passes to. consideration of her position in the worship service” (Hiebert p. 59). Carefully note that Christianity elevated the status of women. Women have value, they are intelligent, and they can understand spiritual truths and doctrinal instruction is not wasted upon women. The term “woman” includes any adult female, whether single or married.

1 Timothy 2:11 “Quietly”: The word here does not refer to. complete absence of speaking, but to an attitude,. spirit, and. disposition. This same word is used in 1 Timothy 2:2 to describe. quiet and tranquil life, see also 2 Thessalonians 3:12.

1 Timothy 2:11 “Receive instruction”: Suggests that one of the purposes of an assembly of the congregation is for instruction (Acts 2:42; 1 Timothy 4:13; 2 Timothy 4:2). The verb here is in the present tense, and implies continual learning. That means that instead of presuming to lead she is to have the attitude of attending to the teaching of others. “This injunction does not mean that Christian women are to surrender their mind and conscience to the dictation of men, only their general attitude is to be that of willing listeners” (Hiebert p. 60).

1 Timothy 2:11 “With entire submissiveness”: “Subordinating herself in every respect” (Arndt p. 847). Of course, submissiveness cannot be forced, rather this is something that. woman voluntarily does. “She is to conduct herself in. manner which does not writhe under authority. She is not to regard herself as unnecessarily imposed upon because of her sex. She is exhorted to assume the attitude of. disciple and be continually learning” (Kent p. 112). “The gospel elevated the woman and gave her. position of spiritual equality with the man before God, but it does not remove the original position of subordination that God ordained for the woman” (Hiebert p. 60).

In the context the submissiveness under consideration is in the public assembly, where she is not teaching, but she is learning. She is to respect and honor God's order of authority among His people.

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Old Testament