"I was not aware, brethren, that he was high priest": This infers that Paul did not personally know Ananias and that Ananias on this occasion was not wearing his high priestly outfit. Some writers consider Paul's statement here to have been said in irony, that is: "Pardon me, brethren,. did not consider that this was the high priest. It did not occur to me that. man who could conduct himself thusly could be God's high priest" (Reese p. 817). Others see. similar irony and have Paul saying something like, "I was not aware that this usurper should be granted the honor the word of God accords to the office of high priest". "For it is written": Paul is saying, "Brethren,. know what the Bible says and. know that in Exodus 2:28 the Bible plainly says that we are to respect those in. position of authority over God's people. Thus, it is clear that Paul had not purposefully set out to violate such. passage. So Paul is either saying that he was ignorant that this man was the current high priest or he was challenging the legitimacy of this pretender. McGarvey observes, "A rebuke which is perfectly just and right in itself may be improper on account of the official relations of the person addressed" (p. 224).

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Old Testament