even as ye learned of Epaphras our beloved fellow-servant, who is. faithful minister of Christ on our behalf,

'EVEN AS YE LEARNED OF' -Which seems to infer that the Colossians had first heard the gospel from Epaphras. He had been the first one to preach to them 'the grace of God in truth'.

'EVEN AS' -Epaphras proclaimed the exact same gospel as that preached by Paul and Timothy. The same unity in doctrine among First Century preachers and teachers can be found in Galatians 2:1; 2 Timothy 3:10 and 2 Peter 3:15.

Points to Note:

1. Someone besides an Apostle can preach the 'grace of God in truth'. You don't have to be an inspired man to properly interpret the writings of the apostles (Ephesians 3:3; Ephesians 5:17).

2. Paul here endorses what is preached by Epaphras. Thus, in the very beginning of this letter, Paul makes is perfectly clear what "side" he is standing upon. 'This is not merely an endorsement of the doctrine they had received..but..a gracious recognition of the faithful friend..' (Erdman p. 43)

'EPAPHRAS' -1889. Epaphras ep-af-ras'; contracted from 1891; Epaphras,. Christian: -Epaphras.

-(EP uh frus) (charming). (Nelsons p. 342).

'OUR BELOVED FELLOW-SERVANT' -One who had served both Paul and the Colossians. Carefully note that as famous and popular Paul was, such fame didn't go to his head. He didn't see himself as the center of the universe. Often, he took the time to commend the efforts of other Christians. He was always giving praise, where praise was due. Eadie notes, 'He had none of that ignoble rivalry which just "hints. fault and hesitates dislike". He felt no envy at their success, but was so identified with their work, that whatever gladdened them gladdened him; he shared in their triumphs and was saddened at their reverses.' (p. 17) Paul,. man freed of selfish-ambition (Romans 12:15).

'FELLOW..' -'The dearest of all ties for Paul is to find men sharing things with him. The work, the 'athletic' life, the yoke, the slavery, the imitation,--these are all expressions of his relation with Jesus Christ, the very essence of life; how much more it is to him when he finds his friends standing with him in that great loyalty.' (F.F. Bruce p. 43)

'WHO IS. FAITHFUL MINISTER OF CHRIST ON OUR BEHALF' -Remember, the word "minister" simply means "servant". To be. "minister" of Christ, means that one faithfully carries out the commands of Christ. "Serving" Christ means passing on to others exactly what Christ taught. Many modern "ministers" need to be reminded of this very simple truth. It isn't the task of the preacher to invent or discover "new" truth, it is his job to preach the truth once for all delivered to the saints (Judges 1:3; 2 Timothy 4:2).

'FAITHFUL' -(2 Timothy 2:2). This man was living "proof" that the gospel had borne fruit among the Colossians.

'ON OUR BEHALF' -'Epaphras has ministered on Paul's behalf..and so the Colossians may be sure that the "truth" was faithfully taught to them.' (O'Brien pp. 15-16) 'In. true sense Epaphras was Paul's messenger to Colossae.' (Robertson p. 475)

Points to Note:

1. 'He puts his seal upon the ministry of Epaphras, and vindicates it against all questioning at home.' (P. P. Comm. p. 4)

2. For all practical purposes, Paul is saying, 'Whoever rejects the preaching of Epaphras, rejects us.'

3. From other passages we learn that: (a) Epaphras apparently was. native of Colossae (Colossians 4:12?). (b) Worked not only with the Christians in Colossae but was also trying to assist the congregations in nearby Laodicea and Hierapolis (Colossians 4:13). (c) Was one of those Christians who were trying to make Paul's imprisonment in Rome more tolerable (Philemon 1:23).

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Old Testament