"He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.""Appropriate"-good, excellent, useful. "He has made everything right in its time" (Bas); "He has assigned each to its proper time" (Mof). The beauty consists in that what is done is done at the appropriate, proper or best time. The good news for the believer is that if times of mourning must come, God can providentially assist in seeing that they happen at what would be the "best" time from an eternal perspective. To the believer the perpetual change in this life shouldn't be viewed as unsettling, but as under God's control. Even time and chance are subject to God. This doesn't mean that God determines everything that happens, but rather God remains in control and can providentially monitor or soften circumstances (1 Corinthians 10:13).

"Set eternity in their heart" -"Unlike the animals, immersed in time, we long to see them (events) in their full context, for we know something of eternity: enough at least to compare the fleeting with the 'for ever' (Kidner p. 39). "People have longing or desire to know the extratemporal significance of themselves and their deeds or activities" (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 984).

Point To Note:

1 Here is. portion or manifestation of the "image of God" in which every person is created (GenesisEcclesiastes 1:26). We have. sense of the infinite. Built into each one of us is the ability to look back into the past and forward into the future. Of all creatures on this earth, man is the one who thinks about where he has been and where he is going. 2. Another proof that we were created by God is our ability to grasp the concept of "eternity". 3. But we know just enough to make us realize the vast amount that we don't know. "We see enough to recognize something of its quality, but the grand design escapes us, for we can never stand back far enough to view it as its Creator does, whole and entire" (Kidner p. 39).

"yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end"

2 This may refer the work which God does in relation to one's lifetime.. cannot anticipate or foresee the events that will happen in my life. 2. And apart from Divine revelation, we are completely blind concerning what God has done in the past or will do in the future (Deut. Ecclesiastes 29:29; 1 Corinthians 2:9-13). 3. Evolution is. classic example of how blind man is apart from Divine revelation. Take. good look at Genesis. and the theory of Evolution and ask yourself, have Evolutionists even come close to knowing what really happened? Isn't evolving from monkeys in contrast to being created in the image of God---about as far off as you can get?

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Old Testament