Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hinder the truth in unrighteousness;

'For' -introducing the great need for. way of making people right with God. All unrighteousness faces the wrath of God!

'Revealed from heaven' -there is another revelation of God in the world besides the Gospel. It is. revelation of God's wrath. The wrath under consideration may refer to the final judgement (1 Thessalonians 1:10; Romans 5:9). And yet, the wrath of God lingers over the sinner at this very moment (John 3:36). This wrath may also refer to the physical consequences that come upon sin. (Galatians 6:7; Romans 1:27)

'Who hinder' -'Suppress' (NASV)

Far from being ignorant about God, the Gentiles had sought to stifle the true knowledge of God and His will with ungodly living, 'who keep down the truth (which they know) by the wickedness whereby they live.' (Con)

Plenty of people today seek to hinder the 'truth' through unrighteousness, i.e. those that deny that the unborn are human, people that claim that homosexuality is normal or inborn, those who argue against the need to be baptized, or the reality of hell, or the inspiration of the Bible, or the miracles in the Bible, etc..

'It isn't knowledge he is in need of. It's integrity he needs.'

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Old Testament