Acts 17:27 zhtei/n to.n qeo,n {A}

The reading ku,rion undoubtedly arose from the careless substitution by a scribe of k=n= for ;=n=, an exchange that occurs frequently. In any case, the argument of Kilpatrick, who assumes that ku,rion was original and that scribes felt it to be ambiguous, 323 is difficult to reconcile with the circumstance that the following verb “to feel after” agrees better with ku,rion than with either qeo,n or qei/on.

Although it is doubtless true, as Nestle pointed out, that scribes would be more likely to alter qeo,n to qei/on, 324 the fact that qei/on occurs in ver. Acts 17:29 may account for its intrusion here. Furthermore, since qeo,j is the subject of the sentence (cf. ver. Acts 17:24), there was an added incentive for scribes to alter qeo,n to either qei/on or ku,rion.

It should be noted that the present text of codex Bezae, ma,lista zhtei/n to. qei/o,n evstin, cannot be construed with the rest of the sentence and must be emended either by altering to, to o[ (as Clark does in accord with the testimony of itgig and Irenaeus) or by deleting evstin (as Ropes and Streeter 325 prefer). In either case the presence of ma,lista gives the impression that the reading is a secondary qualification.

323 “An Eclectic Study of the Text of Acts,” Biblical and Patristic Studies in Memory of Robert Pierce Casey, ed. by J. Neville Birdsall and R. W. Thomson, p. 75.

324 Eberhard Nestle, Philologia sacra (Berlin, 1896), p. 42; cf. also Nestle, Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the Greek New Testament (London, 1901), pp. 295 f.

325 Journal of Theological Studies, XXXIV (1933), p. 238.

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