Acts 4:37 pro.j tou.j po,daj

The Textus Receptus, following î57, 74 A B D P Y and most minuscules, reads para. tou.j po,daj, whereas E 36 94 180 307 327 453 1884 al read pro.j tou.j po,daj. Since para. tou.j po,daj is the more urbane expression, and since there is no fluctuation of witnesses in Acts 4:35 and Acts 5:2, where para. tou.j po,daj appears, it is altogether probable that in Acts 4:37 the original reading was pro.j tou.j po,daj, which scribes altered so as to bring it into harmony with the adjacent passages Acts 4:35 and Acts 5:2. It should also be observed that the same tendency to alter the less elegant expression appears in Acts 5:10, where pro,j (a A B D) is replaced in various witnesses by para, or evpi, or u`po,.

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Old Testament