Matthew 27:38

After the words “one on the right” and “one on the left” the Old Latin codex Colbertinus (itc) supplies names for the two robbers who were crucified with Jesus: nomine Zoatham and nomine Camma respectively. 27 (See also the comment on Lk 23.32.)

27 For other names that have been given to the two robbers, see the present writer’s article, “Names for the Nameless in the New Testament; a Study in the Growth of Christian Tradition,” in Kyriakon: Festschrift Johannes Quasten, edited by Patrick Granfield and Josef A. Jungmann (Münster/W., 1970), pp. 89 ff., reprinted (with additions) in Metzger, New Testament Studies (Leiden, 1980), pp. 33 ff.

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