Ephesians 2:7. That he might show forth. More than ‘manifest,' or, ‘make known;' implying an active, effective, demonstration. This is the purpose of the redeeming facts (Ephesians 2:4-6).

In the ages to come. In the successive periods of time between the resurrection of Christ and His Second Advent. Comp. Colossians 1:26-27. This suggests that. Paul was already aware that there would be a long course of development during these intervening ages. In Paul's later Epistles there are comparatively few references to the Second Advent, and in this Epistle only this incidental one.

The exceeding riches. Exceeding because triumphant, superior to wrath and Satan.

Of his grace in kindness toward us. ‘Grace' is the free outgoing of love for the undeserving; ‘in kindness' points out that this condescending love manifests itself in working benefits toward these who are undeserving.

In Christ. Jesus (not, ‘through'), repeated here, is not to be joined with ‘us,' but with the verb. This is the ever blessed sphere in which the demonstration to all ages takes place. ‘In this entirely unique Person, including in Himself all that man needs for a renewal well pleasing to God, presenting in His resurrection and exaltation, not merely a type, but the dynamic principle for the elevation of humanity to sonship with God

in this Person is set forth all that is specifically Christian in Christianity' (Braune). To ignore Him or vital fellowship with Him is to throw away the riches of grace for ourselves, and to hinder the showing forth of these riches to others.

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Old Testament