Luke 2:23. In the law of the Lord. Exodus 13:2, freely quoted in explanation of the presentation.

Every male that openeth the womb, i.e., e very first-born male (‘both of man and of beast'). The sacrifice (Luke 2:24) was required in every case, but the presentation only in the case of the firstborn son. The requirement respecting the first-born was in remembrance of the sparing of the first-born of the Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 13:2; Numbers 8:17). Instead of the first-born, however, God took the tribe of Levi for the service of the sanctuary (Numbers 3:12; Numbers 8:14-18). At the time of this substitution the number of the first-born in excess of the Levites must be redeemed by the payment of five shekels for each one (Numbers 3:44-51). Afterwards, it appears (Numbers 18:15-16,) that every first-born son was presented and redeemed by the payment of this amount. He who was Himself Priest and Temple, doing God's service as none ever did, probably submitted to the form of redemption from the temple service. Our Lord's subsequent conduct in cleansing the temple, shows how little He regarded the payment of legal claims as satisfying His zeal for God's house (John 2:13-17).

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Old Testament