Mark 4:24. Take heed what ye hear. Luke: ‘how ye hear.' The latter is implied in the former, for what we hear really depends on how we hear. The reference is to a proper improvement of the opportunities now graciously afforded them, as appears from what follows.

With what measure ye mete, etc. See on Matthew 7:2. The principle is the same in both cases; but there the application is to censorious judgments, here to our Lord's mode of instruction and the way it was received. Giving and receiving are reciprocal. As you treat me as your Instructor (giving attention), you will be treated (in receiving profit).

And more shall be given, lit., ‘added,' i.e., in case you hear properly. ‘That hear,' omitted in the best authorities, was probably inserted to express this obvious sense. The reference may possibly be to teaching as well as to giving attention; Mark 4:21-22, allude to this, and ‘mete' is more appropriately applied to giving out to others. The promise of increased knowledge is certainly given to those who faithfully teach in God's kingdom; but here the other application is the primary one, as appears from the more immediate connection.

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Old Testament