Matthew 27:37. And they set up over his head. Not necessarily the soldiers. It was customary for the person to be crucified to carry ‘a title,' suspended from his neck, to the place of execution. Pilate had written this title, in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and it was undoubtedly intended mainly to mock the Jews (see John 19:19-22).

His accusation, put in a form which conveyed a sneer against His accusers. Thus He died, with His proper title over His head.

This is Jesus the king of the Jews. Each of the four Evangelists gives a different form of this title. It was written in three languages, and possibly in three forms. John was an eye-witness, and if there were but one form, that given in his account must be accepted as correct. See John 19:19-22. The entire independence of all four Gospels is fully proven by this variation.

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Old Testament