Romans 1:25. Being such as, or, ‘since they were such as.' Here the Apostle reverts to the reason for the punishment.

Exchanged. A stronger phrase than that in Romans 1:23.

The truth of God. The truth or reality of God, the true Divine essence, practically the same as ‘the true God.' The latter phrase would perhaps seem irreverent. Other views, the true knowledge of God, the true notion of God, etc., are less in keeping with the figure of exchanging.

For a lie; comp. Jeremiah 13:25, and similar passages, where idols are called a ‘lie.' The term is apt because the heathen gods have no existence.

Worshipped and served. The former means religious reverence of every kind; the latter, formal worship, with sacrifice, and other acts and rites.

Bather than the Creator. The nature of the case leads us to prefer ‘rather than' to ‘more than'; for idolatry is in compatible with the worship of the true God, who shares His honor with none of His creatures.

Who is blessed, etc. The doxology is the natural outburst of piety, aroused into holy indignation at the sin of idolatry, which is by the contrast portrayed in its darkest colors. The word rendered ‘blessed' is applied, in the Bible, only to God; a different one is used of man, in the Psalms, Sermon on the Mount, etc.

Amen. Comp. chaps. Romans 9:5; Romans 11:33, for the solemn, liturgical close of a doxology.

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