Romans 5:5. Putteth not to shame. It will not disappoint or mock us; it even now gives triumphant certainty.

Because God's love. ‘ The love of God,' while more literal, is ambiguous; the Apostle means the love God has toward us. We are assured that hope shall not put us to shame, not by anything in ourselves, but because of the love of Gold. This love has been outwardly manifested and inwardly given to us: hath been poured out in our hearts. ‘ The love of God did not descend upon us as dew in drops, but as a stream which spreads itself through the whole soul, filling it with a consciousness of His love and favor' (Philippi).

Through the Holy Ghost which was given unto us. The outward manifestation of God's love is through Christ (Romans 5:8), but the inward (and abundant) experience of it as ours comes only through the Holy Ghost. ‘Was given' points to a single bestowal; not, however, to the outpouring on the day of Pentecost, since this could not apply to Paul himself, but to the gift of the Spirit at the time of the regeneration of each Christian.

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Old Testament