Contents: David among Israel's enemies. Saul consults the witch.

Characters: God, David, Saul, Samuel, Achish, witch.

Conclusion: Seek the Lord while He may be found for there is a time when He will not be found (1 Samuel 28:6). To think that any spiritualistic medium can be of help when God has frowned upon us, is to heap contempt upon God, who has expressly forbidden all such recourse.

Key Word: Spiritism, 1 Samuel 28:7.

Strong Verses: 1 Samuel 28:15; 1 Samuel 28:16.

Striking Facts: 1 Samuel 28:8. Never did Saul look so mean as when he went sneaking to a spiritist at night. Such works are of the darkness and cannot bear the light. Either Satan had Samuel impersonated, or else God on this occasion, actually sent back the spirit of Samuel, that Saul might get an answer to his design and should be given up to strong delusions.

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