Contents: Holy Spirit's coming on day of Pentecost. The gospel given to the Jews. Peter's great sermon on the resurrected Christ, and the conviction of the people.

Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, disciples, Peter, Joel, David.

Conclusion: Upon Jesus Christ's return to heaven, He poured forth the Holy Spirit upon His own, proving His arrival there as the crucified Lamb of God, and distinguishing His followers as messengers from heaven. The fullness of the Holy Spirit is necessary to a true understanding of the Scriptures and to the presenting of Jesus the Christ in convicting power to unsaved men.

Key Word: Holy Ghost, Acts 2:4. Witnessing, Acts 2:14.

Strong Verses: Acts 2:21; Acts 2:23; Acts 2:24; Acts 2:33; Acts 2:36; Acts 2:38; Acts 2:39.

Striking Facts: Acts 2:32-34. Three conclusive proofs are here given that Jesus Christ arose from the dead. 1. He was seen by the disciples. 2. The Holy Spirit has come upon men, and this promise was conditioned by Jesus upon His resurrection. 3. The prophecies declared He must not see corruption.

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