Contents: Israel, Jehovah's dishonored wife, repudiated, but to be restored.

Characters: God, Hosea, Uzziah, Hezekiah, Jeroboam, Gomer, Jezreel, Jehu, Lo-ruhamah, Lo-ammi.

Conclusion: Giving glory to any creature which is due to God alone is as much an injury and affront to God as for a wife to embrace the bosom of a stranger, is to her husband. Thus many who have been in covenant relation with God have broken their marriage bond, turning away the mercy of God from their houses.

Key Word: Israel whoredom, Hosea 1:2.

Strong Verses: Hosea 1:10.

Striking Facts: Hosea 1:11. The day will come (Romans 11:25) when Israel will come forth out of the lands, acknowledging Jesus Christ whom they crucified, as their head (Zechariah 12:10).

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