Contents: A parenthetical chapter on the saved of the tribulation period. The remnant of Israel sealed.

Characters: God, John, four angels.

Conclusion: In the great time of unexampled trouble which is to fall upon the earth after the translation of the saints, there shall be a vast company of repentant Israelites sealed for preservation, and a multitude of the Gentiles, moved to repentance toward Christ, shall find salvation through His shed blood, but at the cost of martyrdom (Revelation 7:14. See Revelation 6:9-11).

Key Word: Remnant sealed, Revelation 7:3; Revelation 7:13; Revelation 7:14.

Strong Verses: Revelation 7:9; Revelation 7:10; Revelation 7:14; Revelation 7:17.

Striking Facts: Revelation 7:10; Revelation 7:14. The cry of these who come up out of the Great Tribulation is not the same as the cry of redemption (Revelation 5:9). It is the cry of salvation from judgment. While it is the blood of Christ which has purchased them this release, yet they are not members of the Body of Christ, the Church which is to be completed by the Holy Spirit before the Tribulation begins. They are a separate company.

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