Ought [ο φ ε ι λ ο μ ε ν]. See on 1 John 2:6.

To receive [α π ο λ α μ β α ν ε ι ν]. The best texts read uJpolambanein to support; i e., to welcome with the provision of hospitality. Rev., welcome. The verb means, originally, to take underneath in order to raise. Hence, to support. Figuratively, to take upon the mind, to suppose, as Luke 7:43; Acts 2:15 : to take up or follow in speech; hence to answer, as Luke 10:30. Fellow - helpers to the truth [σ υ ν ε ρ γ ο ι τ η α λ η θ ε ι α]. Lit., fellow - workers. The expression is explained in two ways : either fellow - workers with the teachers [τ ο ι ο υ τ ο υ ς σ υ χ η] in support of the truth; or fellow - workers with the truth. Adopt the latter, as Rev. 74

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Old Testament