Observe, here, that St. Paul, having to do with the false apostles and the seduced Galatians, whom, he had just cause to suspect, would not (as they ought) give much credit to his word; he asserts the truth of what he affirmed, upon oath, appealing to the all-knowing and heart-searching God, as witness and judge of the truth of what he said: Behold before God,. lie not.

Where, note, 1. That it is no new thing for the faithfulest and ablest ministers and servants of Christ to be looked upon as liars, unworthy to be trusted, and to have the truth of what they deliver, though in God's name, questioned and suspected. Our apostle's purging of himself here from lying, doth import, that some did suspect him for. liar. And if an inspired apostle be, what private minister may not be, suspected!

Note, 2. The mean which St. Paul makes use of, for purging himself from the imputation of falsehood; it was, by taking an oath in. solemn manner.

Learn thence, that though rash swearing, false swearing, and upon every light occasion to take or multiply oaths, be. very great sin; yet to swear, and bear witness to the truth, and to take an oath upon due consideration, and for weighty reasons, and to swear by the name of God, is certainly. lawful, and sometimes. very necessary and important duty.

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Old Testament