Now unto him who alone is able to keep you from falling Into any of these errors or sins, or from stumbling, as απταιστους literally signifies, rugged and dangerous as the ways of life are, and feeble as you know yourselves to be; and at length to present you faultless Fully sanctified and conformed to the image of God's Son; see on Colossians 1:22; before the presence of his glory That is, in his own presence, when he shall be revealed in all his glory; with exceeding joy With joy, great and unutterable. To the only wise God, now become our Saviour That is, our Deliverer from the guilt and power of sin and its consequences, our Restorer to the enjoyment of the blessings lost by the fall, and our Preserver to eternal life. Or, as Macknight reads the clause, To the wise God alone. See on Romans 16:27. Be glory, &c. That is, the glory of infinite perfection; and the majesty Of empire absolutely universal; dominion Or strength, as κρατος may be properly rendered, namely, to govern that empire; and power Εξουσια, authority, or right to do whatever seemeth to himself good; both now and ever Εις παντας τους αιωνας, throughout all ages, or both now and throughout all eternity. “From the appellation here used, our Saviour, it is argued by some that this doxology is addressed to the Lord Jesus, whose proper title is our Saviour, and who is called God in other passages of Scripture, particularly Romans 9:5, where he is styled, God blessed for ever. Nevertheless, as in some passages of Scripture, particularly Luke 1:47; 1 Timothy 1:1; Titus 1:3, the Father is styled our Saviour, this argument is doubtful. They who contend that the doxology in this passage belongs to the Father, observe that the same doxology is unambiguously addressed to God the Father, Romans 16:27,” to which passage we have just referred the reader.

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