Put the blessing, etc.] This refers either to the erection of the stones inscribed with the blessings and the curses, or to the placing of the two companies mentioned in Deuteronomy 27:12; Deuteronomy 27:13. is, one to bless and the other to curse. Ebal and Gerizim are the most conspicuous of the hills of Samaria, being fully 3,000 ft. high. Ebal is on the N., Gerizim on the S.; and they are separated by a very deep ravine running E. and W. The summits command a view of the whole land. It was here that Abraham received the promise which was fulfilled 400 years later on the same spot: see Joshua 8:30. The Samaritans afterwards erected a temple on Mt. Gerisim, which became the rival of the temple at Jerusalem: see John 4:20; John 4:21. The Passover is still celebrated yearly on its summit.

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