He is our peace] emphatic pronoun; 'it is He who is our peace.' The middle wall of partition is perhaps an allusion to the warning barrier which marked off the Court of the Gentiles from the higher level of the Court of the Women in the Temple. It was death for a Gentile to pass the barrier.

15. The Fall of man introduced discord between God and man, and between man and man. The Law revealed this discord. Christ in His humanity fulfilled the Law for man, and set an example of perfect obedience. His humanity united all mankind; His obedience united mankind to God.

16. A paradox: the Slain slays, and a bloody death, which commonly provokes enmity, slays it.

17. Exulting repetition of 'peace,' four times in four vv.: cp. Isaiah 57:19.

18. Quite incidentally the recognition of Son, Spirit, and Father, comes to the surface: cp. Ephesians 4:4; 1 Corinthians 12:4; 2 Corinthians 13:14. The Apostle habitually thinks of the Godhead as threefold.

19. From the idea of 'Father' he easily passes to that of 'household,' and thence to that of 'a house.'

20. They are not merely members of the family; they are stones in the structure of the home, in which God Himself dwells: see on Ephesians 3:5.

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